Tuesday, November 14, 2006

14th of November 1970 - 36 yrs

14th of November.
36 years ago
my mother gave birth.
36 years ago
I was born.
36 years ago
I was rejected
(for not being a son).
14th November 1970
13 years from that day
I was told
I was not wanted
36 yers ago
They couldn't look at me.
36 years later
we don't speak.


trinitystar said...

I feel so sad if this is true. Yet, Whispers you are here now.
Forgiveness is the greatest healer.
And then letting go.
You are a beautiful person and you express it through your words.
Hugs for you. :o)

jel said...


floots said...

hope you can push some of the sadness aside today
in an attempt to help i am sending you this invisible cake
all the way from skye
the major ingredients are mist and mountains
i leave it to you to add
to taste


temppixie said...

I am sorry I missed your birthday, but belated wishes anyway!Life still has much joy and majic to offer, I myself did not begin till I reached 40, and metamorphosed into a love godess!So there's still time!

Arti Honrao said...

Belated birthday!
The poem is touchin ...
Feel somewhat related, because though someone was not happy abt my gender that someone now is thankful for what I am .... a caring ,understanding daughter to her.


jel said...

just wanted to stop by and say Hi! :)


whispers said...

Trinity star:
Please don't feel sad - I was for a long time but have overcame this pain to know I am here for a reason..
For I was able to give life, love comfort and all the other things a mother can give to my 5 wonderful children. Who I love unconditionally

Thank you for the hugs - it makes a change from a kiss from a 3 yr old toddler (which is turning into a swamp monster rather than the beautiful little girl in pretty clothes and curls). Usually she has something over her face when she hugs and kisses me, and, I think its best not knowing what it is 90% of the time.

Ah! My birthday cake was inspired! I love the mist and the mountains. I am always whisked by your pictures and photos.

Thank you for the birthday wishes
You say you morphed into a love goddess at 40, I think like me it has always been there but never given the time to shine! I am now a love goddess in training...

Arti Honaro:
It's sad when people especially our parents except from us things beyond our control like our gender (Infact it's our fathers who control that!)
I am glad that your mother has accepted you for who you are. I can tell by your writings she has a beatuifully bright daughter with a caring soul.

Thanks again :)

Bob said...

Your plain speaking manner makes the message even more powerful.

I too have found rejection in my life. The great danger is that one comes to reject oneself.

Arti Honrao said...

Thanks for the kind words lady :)
Good people always see good things in others!
