Saturday, October 07, 2006

I dreamt of you last night

While I slept
I dreamt of you
not of you
of us

I dreamt I was
Standing in front of you

We were holding
So tight
So close
Never wanting to let go

I could see into you brown eyes
The love still there
After all these years
Reflecting back at me

I dreamt of you last night
Sitting on the grass
With me next to you
Both of us laughing in the sun

I woke,
to find
you were

Tears rolled down my face
The longing for you
too great a pain to tolerate

When I fell asleep again
I found you were still wanting for me
Holding out your arms to hold me
I tell you my love for you will never end

I dreamt of us last night
Not of us
just you

I woke again to find
I am still in love with you
And though you are not here
There is some comfort in knowing
you loved me too.