Sunday, September 10, 2006

Shadow of consciousness

I could never picture your face
I had to look at a photo
to see you.

Though you were in my dreams
it was just a feeling,
a shadow of consciousness
that you were there with me
no matter hard I tried
to picture you,
I couldn't.

I have now stopped looking at photos.

I have cleared away
the ones hidden within reaching distance
for when I needed to see you.

I needed time to grieve,
To grieve over you.
The friendship I have lost
The Closeness that's gone
The melliflous of your voice.

So little time has gone by
since making that decision
I can see you.
I see so many images of you
You even visit me now
in my head
during my dreams.

This time not as
as you.


floots said...

yes to the whole thing
and a wow
to that final stanza
good one

jel said...

these are very good poems ~

Unknown said...

nicey one! btw i made another comment at your childhood post in case u missed it (:

whispers said...

Floots: Thank you always nice to get a comment from you as you are way better with your writings than me. Thanks again!

jel: Thanks for stopping by and reading the things I have wrote :)

greenie: Thank you, (I replied to the childhood one as well).


Pat Paulk said...

Excellent poem!! Agree with Floots, the last stanza is dynamite!!

whispers said...

Thank you Pat :)